The Zimbabwean Embassy in India
Consulate Service mantains and develops relations between Zimbabwe and India.
CONSULATE SERVICES Engagement and Re-Engagement
The advent of the Second Republic ushered in a strategic opportunity to improve
the country’s image and international relations. A good image and improved
international relations will provide leverage for the country’s quest for
competitiveness to attract investment, promote economic growth and national
wealth within the context of globalisation

President Emmerson Mnangagwa receives medicine from India.
HEAD OF MISSION Executive Brief
The Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe in India is dedicated to providing all its clients inclusive of but not limited to Zimbabwean Nationals Risiding in India and Indian Nationals who would like to visit Zimbabwe for various reasons ranging from business, Investment, Tourism, Trade among others we gurantee top notch services, and to extending our warm Zimbabwean hospitality to you.

H.E. Dr. Godfrey Majoni Chipare
Passport Applications
Notice of birth
Authentication of Documents
Repatriation of Remains
Non Marriage Certificates
Legal and Notary Services
Employment Visa
Monday – Friday
14:00hours – 17:00hours
The Embassy is closed on weekends and all Zimbabwean
and Indian Public holidays.